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Steve Maxwell's Integrated Breathing Seminar Experience

In the fitness and athletic world, breathing has seldom been given much attention -- until recently.

Steve has been passionately pursuing every lead to every secret... discovering the universal in esoterica, making friends with wise men around the globe and synthesizing the ancient, the tried and true, with the au courant. Enjoy a breathing seminar with Steve in Melbourne VIC and find out for yourself what he's talking about and why he has made breathing awareness drills one of his top priorities for his own training and his clients.

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Strength & Conditioning and Integrated Breathing Seminar Complete Set

This Integrated Breathing Seminar video goes hand-in-hand with Steve's Strength & Conditioning Seminar video.

Buy both of these awesome seminar videos for only $29.99!

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I myself was pretty much in the dark about proper breathing until I became aware of its importance. -- Steve Maxwell

In this video, you will learn about:

  • Identifying breathing dysfunctions
  • Simple tests to determine your level of breathing proficiency
  • The importance of CO2 and its relationship to oxygen
  • CO2 sensitivity and exercises to correct it
  • The destructive mouth-breathing habit
  • Steve's favorite beneficial breathing exercises
  • Why training at elevation gives you an athletic edge and how to simulate the same -- even at sea level
  • The harm of involuntary breath-holding
  • The healthfulness of voluntary breath-holding-- to increase wind and athletic performance

Who is this video for?

  • Athletes looking to improve performance
  • Anyone on the planet interested in improving general health

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running time 1 hour 27 minutes 861 MB