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Steve's Maxwell's Breathing Control Workout

A long-overdue production, Steve often refers to this regimen as his favorite workout.

Download the Breathing Control Workout for $9.95

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The Breathing Control Workout video runs approximately 30 minutes.

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This sequence of exercise is especially good for promoting relaxation and learning to "breathe through" any panic tendencies. The kind of hypoxic training demonstrated in this video works by prompting a subconscious "emergency" that you will gradually and gently adapt to and overcome with poise, and rapidly pay off any oxygen debt, leaving you upon completion with a feeling of happy high healthfulness.

Steve's Breathing Control Workout is a great way to release any excess built-up muscular tension, as well as develop your breathing capacity for other activities and sports, such as martial arts.

In this video, Steve takes a friend through a classic Russian pull-up ladder, followed by four basic calisthenics exercises. The workout concludes with a breathing-interval kettlebell swing ladder.

This workout is a superb example of a common Russian training-for-health system Steve acquired during his time in Moscow and yes, of course, he's added his own flair.

Who will benefit from this video program?

  • Anyone wishing to improve their breathing efficiency
  • Anyone who's experienced any difficulty with nasal breathing
  • Anyone suffering the ill-effects of involuntary breath-holding patterns, eg, valsalva sync
  • Anyone wishing to overcome involuntary upper-chest panic breathing patterns

Quoth Steve:

While this workout provides a good muscular workout, by dint of sheer rep volume, the true purpose of this workout is not bodybuilding, but breath-work,. That being said, for anyone wishing to improve upon their pull-up or push-up strength-endurance, eg, police and military, this program is a good value.

Also, for anyone who doesn't run, due to foot or ankle injury, this program is a great replacement for cardio-respiratory training, such as running. For accommodating a knee injury, the squats segment can even be modified by substituting the Amosov squat technique.

There, now doesn't that make you feel intrigued and want to buy it? Makes me want to go out and do it right now, it feels that good!


Steve thanks Mark DiSalvo for appearing in this video. Steve on Mark's Functional Meatheads, podcast, episode #87


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